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To The Faithful Of Our Parishes

Writer's picture: St. DemetriusSt. Demetrius

Appeal by Rev. Myroslav to St. Demetrius & St. John the Baptist

Glory to Jesus Christ!

During these uncertain days of fear and anxiety over the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, I would like to reach out to you and remind you of something that is certain: the love and support of the Lord for you and your loved ones, and of the Church and your parish for you and your family.

Just as you could never neglect the needs of your children or parents or other family members, our parish could never turn its back on our parishioners –our spiritual children – at any time, especially during times of crisis.

This is when we are reminded that the purpose of the Church is to be a mother for its children– the People of God --you! And I am here for you as your priest and spiritual father.

We are under orders from national, state and local authorities which will restrict some of the communal practices in our parish, but our parish will be open.

I am available at any hour to hear confessions and to visit families and loved ones, especially those that are sick or in the hospital. I might have to practice “social distancing” when I visit, but I want to see you and your families, individually or in small groups. Please contact me and tell me when I can see you.

I would also like to ask you to remember your parish in a practical way with your gifts of alms during this Great Fast. Contributions are the main source of financial support for our parish, and while some expenses may be a little lower during this time, we have many fixed costs that need to be attended to. Please remember to support your parish.

Finally, while we may have to spend extra time in our homes these days, I ask you to focus on the “domestic Church” – your family – and to pray as a family, and teach the Faith to your children and family members these days.

I wish you a blessed Lenten journey in preparation for Holy Week and the glorious Feast of the Resurrection.Please know that I will remember you at the Liturgies which I will be celebrating.

I am here for you, to do whatever I can to assist you and your family during this time.

Please keep in touch with me and let me know how you are doing.

  • This Sunday I will pray the Liturgy scheduled at St. Demetrius and St. John Churches.

  • I ask older people to stay home, as well as children, and any who is feeling unwell.

  • The Liturgy will be watched and heard at 10.00 a.m. It can be followed from my Facebook page (Miroslav Dumich) and it will also be shared on the St. Demetrius Facebook page.

Your Brother in Christ,

Rev. Myroslav Dumych


 Saint Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic Church © 2022

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